Sugar Stick Holiday Wrap
The holiday wrapping marathon has begun and this year there's something a little sweeter about it: sugar sticks. Yes, I'm adding sugar sticks to our packages this year. The secret is out for any of you who are receiving gifts from us. The rest of the embellishment is quite simple. It is comprised of twine, an oversized cedar sprig and a fern frond. I especially like when the greens hang over the packages as if they were concealing their contents. Take a look:
Do you have a special motif for this year's holiday gift wrapping? Do share if you do. Together we can start our very own pinterest board!
DIY Dreamcatcher Birthday Party
The weekend before last, we celebrated Zoe's 7th birthday with a dream catching party. Each of her friends strung beads and hung feathers to create her very own dream catcher. With a bit a prep work you too can host a party like Zoe's. Depending on the age of your guests, more or less preparation may be required. I went ahead and prepared the rings by wrapping them in tape and weaving them with string. Separately, I also took leather strips and cords, and with Zoe's and Natalia's help, strung one bead at the end of them (to secure the ones the guests would later choose). Take a look below for the list of supplies and instructions on how to make it these creative party favors come to life:
5"metal rings, brown floral tape, waxed thread, leather strip remnants, glass, ceramic and wood beads, assorted feathers and cording in assorted colors.
Instructions: Prep the frame and strings.
1. Wrap each metal ring with floral tape.
2. Weave the rings. I followed this You Tube video.
3. Prepare 5-7 leather strips and cording per guest and secured a bead on each end. This way your guests can add beads and attach feathers without anything falling off.
Party Setting:
1. Place one prepped ring at each seating.
2. Drape an assortment of 5-7 beaded leather strips and/or cording next to the rings.
3. Put a handful of asorted beads at each place setting.
4. Place a mixture of feathers in cups or small vases along the length of your table.
5. Have the children add beads and feathers to the beaded strings. The feathers can be pushed inside the bead holes or secured with floral tape.
6. Once the strands has been adorned, have your guests knot them onto the rings.
7. Voila!! And don't forget to explain how dreamcatchers came to be...
A DIY (Sort Of) Navajo Bedspread.
I knew I wasn't true to myself by using a hand made quit on Zoe's bed, especially after falling in love with the colors and patterns of an H&M shawl. So, I opted to turn three of them into one twin size bedspread. Now, Zoe's bedroom displays a brand new look:
Not being a huge fan of DIY projects and totally incapable of sewing, I commissioned our local dry cleaner to sew the 3 scarfs together (the project would obviously be more cost effective if one is good with a needle and thread). Next week I'll show you how an Alameda Flea Market find, a potted plant and lot of free spirited attitude work to bring our daughter's bedroom together.
Remember to look for room inspirations everywhere and anywhere. They're there for you to borrow, implement and enjoy...
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Debra Cass Szidon
Lover of layered neutrals, mixed patterns, contrasting textures and all things botanical. My creative energies pull me in many different directions but I’m most grounded as an interior decorator, handbag designer and mother. Cocoon Home blog is where I share my reflections on family, work and my creative journey.
All content and images are property of Cocoon Home unless otherwise noted. You are welcome to use images from the blog for noncommercial use, but please credit appropriately.