Blush & Brass: 4 Favorites
My 'up and coming' trend radar must have been in overdrive when I reupholstered our womb chair in a light pink fabric and added brass accents to our renovated kitchen. Suddenly that color combination is hotter than hot for both home decor and fashion wear. Given the classic look of the current IT metal and the flattering flexibility associated with blush pinks, I suspect this combination will withstand the test of time if used in moderation.
Here are a few items that I’m currently blushing over:
One: A gem shaped side table that’s both fancy and functional.
Two: Softly hued wallpaper that works in either traditional or modern settings.
Three: These brassy, pointy clogs have my name written all over them. However, their 4.5 heels bring me back to my senses. Maybe one of you can rock them.
Four: A sweet lamp for Zoe’s bedroom.
Kitchen Update: Dining Table And Stools In Da House!
Great news!! Our dining table and stools have arrived safely from Australia and they're even more beautiful than I had anticipated. The table base is just the right size for our dining area and it provides a bit of raw elegance to the space, while the stools pull the entire space together by virtue of their black leather seats and brass finish. Once I return from a week-long trip to the East coast, I'll be in full dining chairs scouting form. My guess is that I will need some serious 'blog reader' input with THAT decision. In the mean time take a look at these beauties:
Banks, Boots & Brass
Three things I can't seem to get enough of lately:
1. Banks: LA musician Julia Rose Banks' hypnotic and sensual sound is practically all I listen to at home and in the car. If you haven't heard her music yet, here's one of my favorites.
2. Boots: The boot season is upon us and I'm trying desperately to refrain from buying these babies. (Who am I kidding?!?)
3. Brass: The warm tone and classic appeal of anything brassy has officially become an obsession. Can't wait to reveal our newest arrival from Australia: a brass plated dinning table.
What are YOU obsessing over lately?
Kitchen Renovation: Part 8
Now that the cabinet faces and drawer pulls are in place, the counters installed and the chandelier hung, our renovated kitchen is taking on the look and feel we were hoping for. A few nights ago, while the kids slept over at Babik's, Alex and I celebrated its near completion. We originally intended to fill and organize the kitchen cabinets, but instead opted to make a simple meal and get acquainted with the new space over a couple of beers.
We already know that the new kitchen will have a huge impact on our day-to-day living. Its openness allows for better natural light and a much easier traffic flow. The dark, cramped 1950's kitchen is no more. Take a look at how it looks thus far:
Up next comes the hanging of the wallpaper and the island light fixture. We're still deciding on stools and the dining table, but already have some very exciting prospects. In the meantime, I have an eye out for new dinnerware and a much needed runner rug. Keep posted for more reveals...
7 Beautiful Brass Sconces
Now that I've added brass accents to our soon completely renovated kitchen, I'm looking forward to integrating a few brassy accents to other areas of our home. Since the hallway that joins the bedrooms and bathrooms is visible from the kitchen, it's logically the first place to focus on. Currently, the chandelier sconces that worked rather nicely with our Cambridge home decor don't blend so well with our Mid-century Cali one, so I'm rather keen on replacing them quickly. Here are 7 of my favorite fixtures for the corridor (some I like more than others). Can you guess which one is at the top of my list?!?
1. Galliano Wall Fixture Sconce, 2. Arteriors Home Maxim Light, 3. Dwell Studio Devoe Sconce, 4. Hinkley Margeaux Multi Bulb Wall Sconce, 5. Hudson Valley Lighting Walton 1 Wall Light, 6. Bestlite's BL7 Wall Sconce, 7. Rejuvenation Momo Single Sconce
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Debra Cass Szidon
Lover of layered neutrals, mixed patterns, contrasting textures and all things botanical. My creative energies pull me in many different directions but I’m most grounded as an interior decorator, handbag designer and mother. Cocoon Home blog is where I share my reflections on family, work and my creative journey.
All content and images are property of Cocoon Home unless otherwise noted. You are welcome to use images from the blog for noncommercial use, but please credit appropriately.